Business Insurance

“Success is not final; failure is not fatal: It is the courage to continue that counts.”

-Winston S. Churchill

Start your journey with us

Comprehensive Corporate Risk Coverage Designed to Suite Small or Mid-Size Firms

Alta Pro can offer producers access to most lines of commercial insurance such as Business Owners Policies, Commercial Auto Policies, Workers Compensations Policies, Employment Practices Liability Policies and more. 

Alta Pro is proud to be able to partner with a quality carriers like CorePointe to offer these programs for business insurance.

Our Commercial Insurance Programs Are Available In These States:

Need insurance? Let us put you in touch with an authorized Alta Pro Partner!

Liability limits up to $2 million per occurrence/$4 million aggregate, and up to $10 million of Umbrella.
TIV for building and BPP up to $15 million per location.
Revenue up to $15 million per location.
Broad eligibility with discounts on targeted classes and newer buildings.
Multi-policy discounts.
Broad enhancement endorsements.
Lines of business offered:
  • BOPs
  • Packages including Property, General Liability, Umbrella/Excess, Liquor Liability, Commercial Auto, Inland Marine, EPLI and Crime
  • Workers Comp
  • Business Auto
Mercantile/RetailSecurity Services
OfficesChristmas Tree Lots
Processing and ServicingChild Daycare
RestaurantsAdult Daycare
Lessors RiskManufacturers
Special EventsPrivate Investigators
KiosksSpecial Events
Vacant BuildingsSports Leagues
Builder’s RiskConstruction
ContractorsReal Estate
Technology and Life ScienceFinancial Services
Mercantile/RetailPrinting and Publishing

Over 300 classes of business can be considered. If the risk does not fit in with these programs, Alta Pro+ can provide solutions.

Need insurance? Let us put you in touch with an authorized Alta Pro Partner!

Become Appointed Today

Our appointment process is seamless and relatively pain free. We are always looking to form new partnerships with stalwart insurance agents and brokers.

Or complete our long form appointment application.